Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Wanderers (1979)

Another Gang movie released in 1979.
Except this time, the story is set up in The Bronx in 1963.

The Wanderers are an Italian gang, the only gang to be in, if you're Italian.

A story about racial conflicts and solving them for a common cause.

By the Way, they really insist on making a statement about The Baldies, a group of skinheads who shave their heads so the hair wouldn't get in front of their eyes (in true Rude Boys' spirit), not being racist as they have...ONE token black guy in the gang (well, he's not really a token).

Gotta love the 70's

The Movie is based on a novel from Richard Price.
a man responsible for The Color of Money, Streets of Gold, Sea of Love, and Michael Jacksons's Bad 17m videoclip among a few.

It is directed by Philip Kaufman, who went on to directing straight after: The Right Stuff (1983), The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988) and Henry & June (1990)
Philip Kaufman has also written all the Indiana Jones movies.

So, in short, the team behind this movie is pretty impressive.

And it showed...

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